Perspiration Pals 22 September 2021

Hi there Pals! How are you today? Well-rested? Did you get enough sleep? I’m asking because today’s question is going to be about sleep. Did you know that we are the only mammals that willingly delay sleep? Although truth be told, I remember watching a video about kittens who basically fall asleep sitting. Maybe it’s because they are practically babies and still haven’t mastered the art of sleeping at least 16 hours a day. Anyway, let’s move on to the question, or rather fill-in-the gap exercise: Going without sleep is likely to make you ………. as levels of leptin, an ……….. hormone, fall. And the bonus exercise: Finding it hard to get out of bed in the morning is a real condition called …….. I actually have this condition… It’s a burden I carry every day. Unlike carrying or lifting weights this doesn’t make you stronger. Yesterday, when my phone alarm woke me I’d been sleeping so deeply my whole right arm was numb because apparently I was basically lying on it. So I woke up and started looking for my right arm because I couldn’t feel it. Fortunately, I found it.

What challenge and/or programme are you doing right now? Or are you free-styling? I’m still doing the FB30 Challenge and I’m trying to figure out which programme or challenge I’d like to do next. Probably Mass because it’s my 5th Blendversary this year and since I’ve done Mass 4 times before if I do it another time it’ll be the 5th time.

Mini lifebook says it’s Hobbit Day. I’ve read The Hobbit, I’ve watched The Hobbit I don’t have anything particularly interesting to say about the hobbit. Why are there feet hairy, though…?

Edit: Sorry about the microscopic image, I thought it was going to be normal-sized.
