I completed my workout for today. It was a HIIT workout with Daniel with a twist to it that made it that much harder to do, because by the time I was finally all done with the workout my legs felt like jello. But I pushed myself all the way through the workout and my legs were not happy with me by the time I was done with doing it for today.
I had to stay home from school again today, because I wasn't healed up all the way but I think I might be going back to school tomorrow for sure. I don't know about that yet I will have to see about that later when I talk to my mom about if I can go to school tomorrow or not. I'm really hoping to go to school tomorrow and see all of my friends and catch up on what I missed in the past two days of not being at school.
But the good news is that I feel all better now my head cold is gone and my cough has gone away and, I feel really good from all the working out I have been doing the past two days. So it's clear to say that I'm going back to school tomorrow and will be able to hang out with all of my friends, and will have something to tell the teachers of what I did around the house.
My Workout and My Day
I completed my workout for today. It was a HIIT workout with Daniel with a twist to it that made it that much harder to do, because by the time I was finally all done with the workout my legs felt like jello. But I pushed myself all the way through the workout and my legs were not happy with me by the time I was done with doing it for today.
I had to stay home from school again today, because I wasn't healed up all the way but I think I might be going back to school tomorrow for sure. I don't know about that yet I will have to see about that later when I talk to my mom about if I can go to school tomorrow or not. I'm really hoping to go to school tomorrow and see all of my friends and catch up on what I missed in the past two days of not being at school.
But the good news is that I feel all better now my head cold is gone and my cough has gone away and, I feel really good from all the working out I have been doing the past two days. So it's clear to say that I'm going back to school tomorrow and will be able to hang out with all of my friends, and will have something to tell the teachers of what I did around the house.