Posted in: Workouts / Goal Setting

Week 34 goal evaluation

Last week's goals were: 2 pieces of fruit per day - 4 days this week. ✔ If I have a piece for breakfast and 1 as a snack, it is quite easy actually..

Add an UB / LB strength workout to my mobility program - 2 days this week: almost, I added 1 UB strength workout, and went bouldering 3 times last week. I also stopped the mobility program and had my money reimbursed because I decided last week, it wasn't doing it for me..

Work starts again this week, so I need to set my alarm again. I did an UB workout this morning, tomorrow is boulderingday and I will do Daniels balance workout, wednesday is core, thursday UB, friday LB, saturday restday, sunday bouldering. And next monday I will start my walks again.

Goals this week: *continue the 2 pieces of fruit per day..

*Prepare a salad bar in my fridge so I can take healthy lunches to work with me. I will cut up some bell pepper, cucumber and I have cherry tomatoes and shredded carrots. Add ons will be mozzarella/ olives/ nuts/ tuna/ ham…

I might make some couscous to add to it as well as a filler..

As for my yearly bouldering goal of bouldering a grade 4 boulders with ease: I reached grade 4 last week by topping a grade 5. I am not doing them with ease yet, but that will improve in the next 3 months. Plus: we are doing a 4 week course (once a week) to learn the basics and improve skills..

What are you up to? Has school/work started for you as well, or did you not have a holiday?

Hope all is well!