Posted in: Workouts / Workout Programs

Core workouts

So I am following a couple of programs, trying to listen to my body. The main program I follow is FB Fit 3. I totally get that I should rest a day between a heavy lifting upper body routine and even a workout that turns my legs into noodles. But I just feel like I miss the core/abs workout, and I know that is one of my weak spots. So I started browsing the Abs challenge to supplement, and really like the Day 1 workout with Daniel that is "brutal" for the abs after some serious HIIT. But now when I follow the abs challenge, there is upper body strength scheduled tomorrow, and I think I am supposed to rest my upper body one more day. In fact, the upper body workouts for the FB Fit 3 is perfect for me, I don't need it from FB Abs. Is it OK to just repeat the brutal Daniel one - I just really liked the muscle groups it hits and I want to perfect the form on it. I wish I could just do that one everyday.

Also, I really hate this rest day. I mean, if my body wants to move, should I not move it?? Frustrated. The pandemic is just making life so sedentary.