Okay, so the name may be a bit intimidating, but I have included tons of modification options that could make this a level 3 for those wanting something a bit easier, or even a level 5 for those who want something a bit more advanced. If this is still a bit too intimidating for you, don’t worry, we have a 30 Minute Stretch Routine with Kelli coming out tomorrow for Plus.
So, how was everyone’s weekend? Hope you all had a good one and are staying safe and healthy.
New! Free level 4-5 HIIT workout
Good Morning Everyone,
We have added a great new (free) workout for you today that should make all our HIIT enthusiasts happy. It is a 27 minute, level 4 workout entitled:
Ascending Ladder of Doom - HIIT Ladder Interval Workout
Okay, so the name may be a bit intimidating, but I have included tons of modification options that could make this a level 3 for those wanting something a bit easier, or even a level 5 for those who want something a bit more advanced. If this is still a bit too intimidating for you, don’t worry, we have a 30 Minute Stretch Routine with Kelli coming out tomorrow for Plus.
So, how was everyone’s weekend? Hope you all had a good one and are staying safe and healthy.