I chose this challenge in order to try several of Tasha's workouts all at once, and it has been lots of fun! There is a lot I'm enjoying about this challenge, as well as a few concerns I have had with it.
What I like: Having a new trainer with different workout styles is really fun! Tasha's workouts are all total body, so it's fun to try new ways to do total body exercises. I also really like Tasha's encouraging and calm demeanor, and her subtle humor. She's really fun to work out with!
My concerns: Days 1 & 2 are both more intense, and I found that I wasn't able to do Day 2 very well due to sore muscles from day 1. I think I prefer the layout that I've seen in other Total Weeks, where M/W/F are intense total body, with T/TH recovery workout. So, I might switch my Tuesday Wednesday workouts next week to follow this format.
Discoveries I'm happy about: I like the different types of workouts that Tasha chose to incorporate for the recovery workouts. It felt better than I thought it would to do some of the pilates workouts. I really enjoyed having a workout with Kelli in the mix as well, she will always be a favorite 💜 There was also an upper body posture workout that I would never have tried if I were choosing workouts on my own, and I actually really liked it (Thank you Daniel!)!
Overall, I enjoyed week 1! It's a fun challenge, but when I do it again, I'll definitely switch the T/W workouts. I just really like having a recovery day between total body workouts:). Thanks Tasha!
FBYAY Week 1 complete!
I chose this challenge in order to try several of Tasha's workouts all at once, and it has been lots of fun! There is a lot I'm enjoying about this challenge, as well as a few concerns I have had with it.
What I like: Having a new trainer with different workout styles is really fun! Tasha's workouts are all total body, so it's fun to try new ways to do total body exercises. I also really like Tasha's encouraging and calm demeanor, and her subtle humor. She's really fun to work out with!
My concerns: Days 1 & 2 are both more intense, and I found that I wasn't able to do Day 2 very well due to sore muscles from day 1. I think I prefer the layout that I've seen in other Total Weeks, where M/W/F are intense total body, with T/TH recovery workout. So, I might switch my Tuesday Wednesday workouts next week to follow this format.
Discoveries I'm happy about: I like the different types of workouts that Tasha chose to incorporate for the recovery workouts. It felt better than I thought it would to do some of the pilates workouts. I really enjoyed having a workout with Kelli in the mix as well, she will always be a favorite 💜 There was also an upper body posture workout that I would never have tried if I were choosing workouts on my own, and I actually really liked it (Thank you Daniel!)!
Overall, I enjoyed week 1! It's a fun challenge, but when I do it again, I'll definitely switch the T/W workouts. I just really like having a recovery day between total body workouts:). Thanks Tasha!