Posted in: Workouts / Goal Setting

tired muscles vs muscle cramps during pilates?

Hi, Blenders!

Today I did this great video with Kelli:

And noticed that during exercises like Side Leg Lifts, Side Lying Up & Overs and Side Plank Jacks my butt and outside thigh muscles start to cramp up really badly to a point where it's not a good muscle burn anymore but just painful. I don't get that when I'm doing other exercises like clam shells, bridges or reclined leg raises, neither when doing HIIT or strength training with weights. With those exercises I just get tired muscles and that "good" kind of burn.

So I was wondering if maybe I'm doing those side leg raises just wrong? Or are they supposed to target smaller muscles that I might not have trained well so far and hence the cramps? Anyone experience the same thing maybe? What helped you overcome this?

Thanks! :D