HKS (Healthy, Kind Support) Accountability Group July 27th

Good Tuesday morning blendfriends!

« Never let yesterday take up too much of today. »

This quote is inspired by the very wise words of our own Julia, who has made it a goal to not dwell on the past and make each day a little better than the previous one.

I hope this day finds you well. What are your plans for today? Are you working out or taking a well-deserved rest day? Are you cooking a good meal or taking a break and eating out or getting take-out? Will it be a very busy day or will you enjoy a relaxing one?

We are enjoying the last few days of our vacation, but today will be spent at home, as I have to bring our car in for a repair and there’s not much to do within walking distance of our apartment. So we’ll do some house cleaning and catch up on series we’re currently watching. Not all vacation days can be all fun and excitement.

Have the best Tuesday everyone! 🙂
