My "Toning Flow" (6 moves blended into one single flow, done slowly with clean form and as many reps as possible). I'm holding 5 kg dumbbell per hand all the time during the workout (6 minutes):
Curl //Squat // Explosive Over Head Press // Deadlift // Slow Low-Impact Burpee // Slow Mountain Climber
followed by
My "Strength Training with Cardio Interval" (done 2 rounds)
A: Dumbbell/Kettlebell Strength Training - B: Cardio Interval (bodyweight)
45 sec ON, 15 sec OFF (AMRAP) & 30 sec OFF between round
A: Slingshot/Around the World (8 kg kettlebell)
B: Low Impact Slow Burpee + High Kicks
A: Goblet Squat + Overhead Press (8 kg kettlebell)
B: Skater + Calves Raise
A: Halo to Pallof Press (5 kg dumbbell)
B: Walk Down + Shoulder Tap
A: Alternating Reverse Lunge to Squat (5 kg dumbbell)
B: 2 Lateral Steps + 2 Runners
A: Deadlift to Alternating Row (5 kg dumbbell per hand)
It's my first time doing Toning Flow (just created my own custom workout last week and I don't know if the term does make sense...). I thought that it would be easy enough just like a sort of up-graded warm-up (?) but I was so wrong! 6 minutes is more than enough to make me sweat and slightly out of breath. That makes it difficult to concentrate to count how many reps I can do.
Whereas for the Strength Training with Cardio Interval, it's the 2nd time I'm doing this. I was sore during 72 hours!
In the middle of the workouts, I was thinking "Oh my... why am I doing this?" but decided to continue. I'm glad I get everything done safely, taking longer breaks when necessary. It's a kind of challenge to my self to know "Oh my body is able to tackle those moves, yeah...!"
Monday Custom Workouts
Hi all Blendies, hope you're all in good mood and health. Just a quick check-in to share my today's workouts.
My "Toning Flow" (6 moves blended into one single flow, done slowly with clean form and as many reps as possible). I'm holding 5 kg dumbbell per hand all the time during the workout (6 minutes):
Curl //Squat // Explosive Over Head Press // Deadlift // Slow Low-Impact Burpee // Slow Mountain Climber
followed by
My "Strength Training with Cardio Interval" (done 2 rounds)
A: Dumbbell/Kettlebell Strength Training - B: Cardio Interval (bodyweight)
45 sec ON, 15 sec OFF (AMRAP) & 30 sec OFF between round
A: Slingshot/Around the World (8 kg kettlebell)
B: Low Impact Slow Burpee + High Kicks
A: Goblet Squat + Overhead Press (8 kg kettlebell)
B: Skater + Calves Raise
A: Halo to Pallof Press (5 kg dumbbell)
B: Walk Down + Shoulder Tap
A: Alternating Reverse Lunge to Squat (5 kg dumbbell)
B: 2 Lateral Steps + 2 Runners
A: Deadlift to Alternating Row (5 kg dumbbell per hand)
B: Low-Impact Plank Jack + Slow Mountain Climber
Cool-down & Stretch:
It's my first time doing Toning Flow (just created my own custom workout last week and I don't know if the term does make sense...). I thought that it would be easy enough just like a sort of up-graded warm-up (?) but I was so wrong! 6 minutes is more than enough to make me sweat and slightly out of breath. That makes it difficult to concentrate to count how many reps I can do.
Whereas for the Strength Training with Cardio Interval, it's the 2nd time I'm doing this. I was sore during 72 hours!
In the middle of the workouts, I was thinking "Oh my... why am I doing this?" but decided to continue. I'm glad I get everything done safely, taking longer breaks when necessary. It's a kind of challenge to my self to know "Oh my body is able to tackle those moves, yeah...!"
I'm a sweaty mess! OFF to the shower now.
Take care everyone.