3 month check in - making progress!

3 months down! I'm so proud of myself for sticking with working out and (mostly) eating healthy. I started working out consistently and trying to eat clean in April. Today I have officially completed 3 FB Programs (Strong, Abs, and Blend) in a row and haven't missed a single workout. It feels good to see 3 months worth of checkmarks.

I've been trying to eat clean and track my calories as well. Some parties and celebrations have made it a little difficult lately, but over all I do think I'm eating better now. I have almost completely cut out diet coke from my diet which is a HUGE victory for me. I still allow myself the occasional diet coke on the weekends, but I'm not consuming nearly as much pop as I used to. It actually tastes too sweet to me now!

All this hard work and change seems to be working though! When I first started in April, I measured my weight, took body measurements with a tape measure, and took some before photos. I checked again today and in 3 months I've lost 10.8 lbs. I've also lost 3 inches off of my waist and hips, 2 inches off of my belly and chest, and 0.5 inches off of my arms and legs (they're being stubborn lol). I don't feel like my before pictures do it that much justice, but I do think I look at least a little more toned. I also think I have a bit more of an hourglass shape in my torso.

In April I had set a goal for myself to get down to 135lbs by September. I'm so close!! Just 5 more lbs to go. Since I'm so close, I'm thinking of updating my goal to 130lbs by September. I had downloaded a BMI calculator and it told me I'm still about 8 lbs over weight. They said a "normal" BMI for my height and age is 98 - 132lbs. I would LOVE to get down to 130lbs so I can officially say I'm not overweight.

As for now though, I'm happy with the progress I've made so far. Today was my last day of Blend and I absolutely loved it! I'm starting Flex on Monday. I don't have anything paired with it, so I'll be picking my own videos for the off days. Any one have any suggestions of their favorite videos for lower body or core?

Hope everyone is doing well and had a great weekend. Happy blending everyone! 😊