Weekend Ghost Check-in: Sunday April 18

You know, I've been thinking... I do that a bit too much... and I feel like what with COVID and all the social distancing, we Blenders have forgotten how to party.

And I get it. We all feel a bit uncomfortable with the idea of partying. Some of us have been through some intense lockdowns. Many of us are not yet vaccinated. We've been discouraged and discouraged from having large gatherings, particularly indoors, and it's just not something we feel quite comfortable with yet.

In these challenging times, there have been some challenges - both official FB and community - but no parties for a long, long time.

And so, I would like to invite all my Blendfriends to a party. And by that I mean everyone in the community, whether you check in regularly or not. If you read this - or hear about it - you're invited.

We'll keep our 1.5m distance, but masks are not required. In fact, you don't even need to leave the comfort of your home - except to do the grocery shopping. That's right: I'm inviting you to join me for a Fitness Blender recipe party!

If you feel like like joining me, go have a browse through the recipe section, and choose something Fitness Blendery to cook one day next weekend. Then we can share all our fab meals and recommend some great recipes!

Please do come - I'd love to see you there.

In the meantime: It's Sunday. Discuss.

More specifically, what did you get up to today? Did you take some incredible photos? Play with some cute pets? Do something active?

Today was actually a very exciting day for me: my 7yo's very first junior footy game. Not sure who was most excited, him, me or his dad. And it was brilliant! But it was a very early start after a late night baking birthday cakes, so I'm now pretty tired.

Before bed, though, there's still my workout to go. Pretty sure it's lower body pilates with Kelli. What's on your calendar for today? Are you joining me for pilates, or doing something more active? Some work around the house or outdoors, or a lovely weekend rest day?

And what are you eating? Is cake involved? Or even better: vegetables? If I hadn't babbled for way too long about parties, I'd be asking about your favourite veggies, but... oh what the heck... What are your favourite veggies? I have a real weakness for green things, especially zucchini, asparagus, sugar snap peas, broccolini... and I had a few of them on some leftover naan for dinner: https://www.fitnessblender.com/articles/green-goddess-personal-pizzas.

Thank you for joining me today, Blendfriends, and I hope some of you can make it next weekend for my party. 🎉🌮🧆🥘🍲🍰🍾 Have a fantastic week!





***Note: These Daily Check-in posts are open to anyone and everyone who wishes to participate! All are welcome here! These check-ins are a way to stay motivated, accountable, and be supported as we all try to be our healthiest selves. Feel free to pop in and say 'hi' anytime, and post as much or as little as you wish! No prerequisites here! Feel free to add photos if you want as well! Whether you need advice about working out/eating well/life in general, just want to comment, or maybe need support during a hardship--we're here for you! So: Welcome to the FB Family, and to the Daily Check-ins! We appreciate you being here!***