Update πŸ˜• πŸ™‚



I could feel my body giving out, though, I pushed through. In hindsight, I should have stopped; my lungs are not happy. πŸ₯΄


So, I have a love/hate relationship with prednisone and antibiotics.

While they are aiding my breathing, they are wrecking havoc on my insides. I look (and feel) like a balloon. People have started to stare. πŸ˜” Perhaps I should wear a shirt that reads β€œimmunocompromised.” πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

My recovery period has been up and down, as well. While I’m trying to take things slow, it sure is hard to do when you want to go full-steam ahead!

My having stayed out 7 hours today wasn’t a wise move, either, and now I’m paying the price. My body is retaining fluid like crazy!


Dad received his cancer markers today. He is clear of any cancer recurrence at this point.

Should his scan and laboratory data be clear come October, he will be declared cancer free. 😁


Thank you for your continued thoughts and prayers. πŸ’•

How can I pray for you?