We are at ¼ of the year, so I thought I should check the goals I set for this year and see how I am doing:
Goals for the entire year:
*Boulder all level 4 boulders with ease:
-Be able to do 10 consecutive full body push-ups
-Be able to do at least one (assisted) pull-up
-improved finger grip
Since we can’t boulder, this is still the same. The push ups are still difficult. I can do 9 consecutive on my knees (that is a +1 since the beginning of the year). I can’t practice pull-ups anywhere, so this is a bit at a stand still.
*Lose 8 kg slowly so it stays of (goalweight 67 kg)
-eat clean / healthy breakfast and lunch
-eat clean / healthy snacks: morning and afternoon
-less bacon!
Doing pretty good on that one. I am at 70.9 kg right now, so I’m halfway.It is going slowly, but nice and steady. My calorie allotment goal for this month is not going great. I’ve already gone over 4 times and only stayed within my TDEE once, we celebrated my son’s birthday and ate a lot. I planned on staying within the 1900 kcal for 25/30 days, so the rest of the month has to be lots better.. I might have to give myself some slack later this month, but I will try to stay within the 1900 for the rest of the month. That means a lot of planning! The less bacon part is going pretty good, so is the clean eating (except for this week).
*Flexibility: wide stance toe touch with both hands on the floor
-improve flexibility of the psoas: stretching more often
My NSV this week was my thighs touching my heels in child’s pose. I can put my hands on the floor with a wide stance toe touch, just not flat yet. The psoas stretches: not happening. I have a hard time doing extra stretches.
*Assisted hand stance
-get over fear!! :)
-improved core strength
-improved arm strength
Also: not doing this. I am lifting heavier so my arms are getting stronger, I think my core is too, but I am not working on my handstand.
So, with all of that, this week I will:
check if I can still do my yoga headstand, I have not done that in a while. If that goes well, I might try working on a handstand.
Plan and prep all meals for the rest of the week so I can stay within the 1900 kcal.
Keep lifting heavy.
How are you doing? Is your fitnessyear going as planned? Did you have plans to start with?
Week 13 goal evaluation / Quarterly review
We are at ¼ of the year, so I thought I should check the goals I set for this year and see how I am doing:
Goals for the entire year:
*Boulder all level 4 boulders with ease:
-Be able to do 10 consecutive full body push-ups
-Be able to do at least one (assisted) pull-up
-improved finger grip
Since we can’t boulder, this is still the same. The push ups are still difficult. I can do 9 consecutive on my knees (that is a +1 since the beginning of the year). I can’t practice pull-ups anywhere, so this is a bit at a stand still.
*Lose 8 kg slowly so it stays of (goalweight 67 kg)
-eat clean / healthy breakfast and lunch
-eat clean / healthy snacks: morning and afternoon
-less bacon!
Doing pretty good on that one. I am at 70.9 kg right now, so I’m halfway.It is going slowly, but nice and steady. My calorie allotment goal for this month is not going great. I’ve already gone over 4 times and only stayed within my TDEE once, we celebrated my son’s birthday and ate a lot. I planned on staying within the 1900 kcal for 25/30 days, so the rest of the month has to be lots better.. I might have to give myself some slack later this month, but I will try to stay within the 1900 for the rest of the month. That means a lot of planning! The less bacon part is going pretty good, so is the clean eating (except for this week).
*Flexibility: wide stance toe touch with both hands on the floor
-improve flexibility of the psoas: stretching more often
My NSV this week was my thighs touching my heels in child’s pose. I can put my hands on the floor with a wide stance toe touch, just not flat yet. The psoas stretches: not happening. I have a hard time doing extra stretches.
*Assisted hand stance
-get over fear!! :)
-improved core strength
-improved arm strength
Also: not doing this. I am lifting heavier so my arms are getting stronger, I think my core is too, but I am not working on my handstand.
So, with all of that, this week I will:
check if I can still do my yoga headstand, I have not done that in a while. If that goes well, I might try working on a handstand.
Plan and prep all meals for the rest of the week so I can stay within the 1900 kcal.
Keep lifting heavy.
How are you doing? Is your fitnessyear going as planned? Did you have plans to start with?