Posted in: Workouts / Workout Programs

How to build a Core Program on my own for visual results or just is core heavy

Hi! I want to know how I can build a routine/core challenge so that, ideally, I could see my abs, but in general, just be core focused. How do I build a routine that's similarly built like an FB core challenge? I want to be told exactly what that challenge would look like (for example: work upper body once a week, lower once, hiit 3 times, cardio everyday like that kinda stuff). I would love to buy an actual FB challenge, but I can't as I have other expenses and I'm fairly young so I'm still living with parents. I'd also like video recommendation to actually put in the routine, so if you have any, feel free to say it. I hope my question/request makes sense and y'all see what I'm really asking for and need help with. If this helps you at all, I eat mostly clean, whole foods with some indulgences here and there already because I have a certain health issue that's gone now, but i'm in a position where i'm under observation and neither here nor there, so to make sure that issue doesn't come back, my doctors said I need to eat whole foods and be wary of food that's not made from home. I don't drink as much water as I should be nor get as much sleep as should be getting. My workout routine in a week is usually: 1 day of upper body, 1 day of lower body, HIIT twice a week, 1 day of stretching, one rest day, and cardio happens on a day im free or whenever. As for a time limit: 8 weeks is what i'm aiming for