New home and new room! I just finished my workout for the day. Don't feel up to doing 4/5 difficulty workouts, because I have (once again) reached a beginner-ish stage when exercising. But it's okay. Not taking it hard on myself at all. That's what we learn at FB, right? Our bodies may have limitations, but we need to respect what it can do for us.
I also got my own room recently. Do y'all know how much this means to me? I really needed my own room for a while now and I was tired of sharing my room with my brother. New home and new room for me! Plus, our hall is pretty big, so I could use that as a workout space too.
We also live near a corniche, and I can see a bit of it from my window. My family is going there tomorrow for a walk. The lake view is just beautiful. I'll see if I can get pictures sometime soon, but we will be taking more walks, that's for sure.
Any beautiful places where you live? I'd really love to see them! Hope everyone is doing well and staying safe.
Workout Complete+ New Home
New home and new room! I just finished my workout for the day. Don't feel up to doing 4/5 difficulty workouts, because I have (once again) reached a beginner-ish stage when exercising. But it's okay. Not taking it hard on myself at all. That's what we learn at FB, right? Our bodies may have limitations, but we need to respect what it can do for us.
I also got my own room recently. Do y'all know how much this means to me? I really needed my own room for a while now and I was tired of sharing my room with my brother. New home and new room for me! Plus, our hall is pretty big, so I could use that as a workout space too.
We also live near a corniche, and I can see a bit of it from my window. My family is going there tomorrow for a walk. The lake view is just beautiful. I'll see if I can get pictures sometime soon, but we will be taking more walks, that's for sure.
Any beautiful places where you live? I'd really love to see them! Hope everyone is doing well and staying safe.