How are you all today? What's on the menu? Are you cooking a banquet? Ordering a takeaway? Cleaning out the fridge? Keeping it cheap and cheerful? Skipping it altogether? Tell me, tell me! (But only if you want. This isn't an interrogation 😉)
We've been talking a fair bit here about food, how it makes you feel, and the culture or environment you eat it in. And I've really enjoyed reading all your posts and found it interesting how everyone approaches food slightly differently. Some find mindfulness and intuitive eating helpful, and others prefer following plans and measuring things out. And of course there are so many different cultural traditions and foods. There's bored eating, stress eating, happy eating, and, of course, hungry eating. And then where we come from and our food culture is in there too! I had initially planned to ask about food and where you come from, but between Esther and FTT, I think we already covered that. So I think I'd better come up with something else 🤔🤓😂
So my question today is about food and emotion. Do you associate food with emotions? Or do you treat food simply as a source of nutrition? (I think most of us associate food with emotions because we are not robots 😉😉🤖) Does food make you happy? Does it make you feel guilty or stressed? Or maybe I should ask it the other way around - when you are happy, stressed, bored, sad, or feeling some other emotion, do you eat? Maybe your answer depends on certain foods? For instance, perhaps you reach for something sweet when you are stressed, because sweet foods make you happy? Or when you are happy, you want to celebrate by having something sweet? Or maybe when you're already happy, you don't feel the need to reach for the lollies and get that sugar boost? Maybe getting into the chocolates gives you a sense of guilt for not being able to eat more "perfectly" (whatever that means)? This isn't just restricted to sweets, either. Does cooking relax you, or feel like a chore? Do you associate vegetables with a sense of wellbeing, or do you feel resentful for having to choke some down? Or maybe it's more specific than that. Do certain foods give you nostalgia? Maybe there's a certain dish that reminds you of your grandmother, or the place you grew up. Or maybe there's something else you've sworn off forever?
Or maybe you don't. It's ok to be a robot; we're a very accepting crowd 😊. Maybe you are able to decide you want to eat so many servings of this and not so many servings of that because of something's nutritional value, and are able to do it all easy peasy, without cravings or urges to reach for something else. Have you always been like that? Or did you work hard to separate food from emotion?
So, let me know Blendies, how does food make you feel? Do you eat differently according to your emotions? Does how you eat decide how you are feeling?
Or don't. That's ok too. I'd like to hear whatever is on your mind, regardless of whether it pertains to the question or not! 😀
Food for Thought: 19 February 2021
Hello Blendies!
How are you all today? What's on the menu? Are you cooking a banquet? Ordering a takeaway? Cleaning out the fridge? Keeping it cheap and cheerful? Skipping it altogether? Tell me, tell me! (But only if you want. This isn't an interrogation 😉)
We've been talking a fair bit here about food, how it makes you feel, and the culture or environment you eat it in. And I've really enjoyed reading all your posts and found it interesting how everyone approaches food slightly differently. Some find mindfulness and intuitive eating helpful, and others prefer following plans and measuring things out. And of course there are so many different cultural traditions and foods. There's bored eating, stress eating, happy eating, and, of course, hungry eating. And then where we come from and our food culture is in there too! I had initially planned to ask about food and where you come from, but between Esther and FTT, I think we already covered that. So I think I'd better come up with something else 🤔🤓😂
So my question today is about food and emotion. Do you associate food with emotions? Or do you treat food simply as a source of nutrition? (I think most of us associate food with emotions because we are not robots 😉😉🤖) Does food make you happy? Does it make you feel guilty or stressed? Or maybe I should ask it the other way around - when you are happy, stressed, bored, sad, or feeling some other emotion, do you eat? Maybe your answer depends on certain foods? For instance, perhaps you reach for something sweet when you are stressed, because sweet foods make you happy? Or when you are happy, you want to celebrate by having something sweet? Or maybe when you're already happy, you don't feel the need to reach for the lollies and get that sugar boost? Maybe getting into the chocolates gives you a sense of guilt for not being able to eat more "perfectly" (whatever that means)? This isn't just restricted to sweets, either. Does cooking relax you, or feel like a chore? Do you associate vegetables with a sense of wellbeing, or do you feel resentful for having to choke some down? Or maybe it's more specific than that. Do certain foods give you nostalgia? Maybe there's a certain dish that reminds you of your grandmother, or the place you grew up. Or maybe there's something else you've sworn off forever?
Or maybe you don't. It's ok to be a robot; we're a very accepting crowd 😊. Maybe you are able to decide you want to eat so many servings of this and not so many servings of that because of something's nutritional value, and are able to do it all easy peasy, without cravings or urges to reach for something else. Have you always been like that? Or did you work hard to separate food from emotion?
So, let me know Blendies, how does food make you feel? Do you eat differently according to your emotions? Does how you eat decide how you are feeling?
Or don't. That's ok too. I'd like to hear whatever is on your mind, regardless of whether it pertains to the question or not! 😀