Hello blenders! How are you doing today? Thank you Julia for asking me to contribute to this post.
First of all, what a great topic you chose yesterday Esther! 👏🏽 We really had some great discussions, and I enjoyed every comments. Thank you!
Now, moving on to today’s topic. Yesterday we discussed our “eating culture” at home. Today I want to remain in similar area but increase the horizon a bit. I would like to know more about your thoughts on “globalisation and food cultures”.
I grew up in a homogeneous ethnic society in Bangladesh where we are all brown people, eating rice and curry twice a day. I didn’t grow up with TV/internet to learn much about different cuisines. Then at the age of 27, I hopped on a plane for the first time to come all the way to Italy. I was shocked by how naturally healthy Italians are. It’s not that everyone is walking with 6-pack abs. They are just living well through their 80s, active, but still enjoying their pizza and pasta.
Over the years while living in Italy and then in France, I made many good friends who fed me well! I fell in love with Mediterranean food and started to incorporate that in my diet. Then I got married to a Ukrainian and moved to Australia. Currently our food habit is like 40% Mediterranean, 30% South Asian, 20% western (west Europe + America) and 10% East European. Our dinner table talk is mostly about explaining each other certain food that the other never heard of. The other day I was video calling my in-laws back in Minsk, to show them okra from my veggie garden, because they never heard of it! I would definitely like to learn more about East European cooking but my husband is not helping, he is a terrible cook! 😝
Some weeks ago, I made some Bengali flat bread, fill them with Mexican style beef burrito meat, ate with my Ukrainian husband while living in Australia. I was very emotional, thinking- “what a life I am living!” 😊
What about you guys? Did globalisation change the way you eat? Is your food habit influenced by traveling? Do family/friends from different ethnicities inspire you to try something new? Or you are not a person to experiment with your food? Would love to hear from you all.
“Food for thought” Feb 17th
Hello blenders! How are you doing today? Thank you Julia for asking me to contribute to this post.
First of all, what a great topic you chose yesterday Esther! 👏🏽 We really had some great discussions, and I enjoyed every comments. Thank you!
Now, moving on to today’s topic. Yesterday we discussed our “eating culture” at home. Today I want to remain in similar area but increase the horizon a bit. I would like to know more about your thoughts on “globalisation and food cultures”.
I grew up in a homogeneous ethnic society in Bangladesh where we are all brown people, eating rice and curry twice a day. I didn’t grow up with TV/internet to learn much about different cuisines. Then at the age of 27, I hopped on a plane for the first time to come all the way to Italy. I was shocked by how naturally healthy Italians are. It’s not that everyone is walking with 6-pack abs. They are just living well through their 80s, active, but still enjoying their pizza and pasta.
Over the years while living in Italy and then in France, I made many good friends who fed me well! I fell in love with Mediterranean food and started to incorporate that in my diet. Then I got married to a Ukrainian and moved to Australia. Currently our food habit is like 40% Mediterranean, 30% South Asian, 20% western (west Europe + America) and 10% East European. Our dinner table talk is mostly about explaining each other certain food that the other never heard of. The other day I was video calling my in-laws back in Minsk, to show them okra from my veggie garden, because they never heard of it! I would definitely like to learn more about East European cooking but my husband is not helping, he is a terrible cook! 😝
Some weeks ago, I made some Bengali flat bread, fill them with Mexican style beef burrito meat, ate with my Ukrainian husband while living in Australia. I was very emotional, thinking- “what a life I am living!” 😊
What about you guys? Did globalisation change the way you eat? Is your food habit influenced by traveling? Do family/friends from different ethnicities inspire you to try something new? Or you are not a person to experiment with your food? Would love to hear from you all.