Posted in: Workouts / Goal Setting

Anyone else struggle with not working out?

I don't mean not taking rest days. I'm mean skipping extra credit on programs/challenges?

The last 6 months I've been doing rather intense programs/challenges and for some reason, the sweat program is kicking my booty. I feel like it's a much more intense program for some reason. Am I crazy? Anyone done it compared to complete, burn or strong? I've done all of those and never felt this exhausted. I also started taking magnesium the first of the year for unrelated issues and then started reading about the links between it and exercise so it really baffles me that I feel this way.

Disclaimer: I'm a 50yo female so this exhaustion may have other, ahem, age related origins. I did do their new 1000 calorie workout on my 50th birthday (the advance version) so I am fairly fit.
