Jan complete and Feb goals


I'm sharing my January calendar for a couple reasons. First, I'm really proud of myself for the consistency. Second, I'm here to tell anyone who is struggling that not all the green check marks were made easily. Some times I genuinely wanted to work out, almost craved a workout. Other days I felt like I was dragging my butt down to the basement to workout. I'm not at the point where working out is a habit yet, but I'm hoping that's where I'm headed.

I finished the bored easily program this week and have rescheduled it to start again tomorrow. I took this weekend off as a break between programs and am looking forward to getting back into the program again.

Goals for Feb:

Add on pilates to shorter lower body videos

Try to complete 1 extra credit each week

Up my IF game

Only 2 cheat meals this month.

Not going to lie, this "relaxed" weekend has been eye opening. I haven't eaten the best and had a couple glasses of wine and I feel way worse than I do when I'm eating all the veggies, whole foods, and drinking allllll the water. Hopefully this experience decreases my desire for a cheat day in Feb.

Best of luck to you all on your Feb goals!