60s & Better Daily Check-In Monday, January 18

Good morning! It’s another sunny winter day here. Happy Martin Luther King Day. Around here, the day involves giving back to our community in some way. Friends of ours often spend the morning cleaning up local streams or doing fix-ups at local schools ( I am a retired kindergarten teacher from a diverse school). Of course, all is different this year. I will be donating food instead,

I also think of this day as a reminder to be grateful for all I do have. Even though I need a partial knee replacement, I can still make it through my FB Plus workouts! 😁❤️

Today’s workout is an hour long I think. Yikes!


What are you planning today? If you are a morning exerciser like I am, do you feel like you could just about sleep standing up by 2 in the afternoon?

Enjoy the cute pic of doggie pal Roscoe. Have a super day!
