I am 71 years old and have been running and doing aerobics since the 70s, but I am new to strength training. It is helpful to me when you give explicit instructions for lifting (e.g., flat back, weight on heels or evenly distributed). You mention “proper form” a lot. Is there more to proper form than these instructions? Could you possibly give a list of elements of proper form, or illustrations, or recommendations of websites that show what proper form means?
What exactly is proper form?
I am 71 years old and have been running and doing aerobics since the 70s, but I am new to strength training. It is helpful to me when you give explicit instructions for lifting (e.g., flat back, weight on heels or evenly distributed). You mention “proper form” a lot. Is there more to proper form than these instructions? Could you possibly give a list of elements of proper form, or illustrations, or recommendations of websites that show what proper form means?