I just finished it and wow! Perhaps it is just me but the HIIT got me!! After the first half of HIIT, I was sweating buckets already! And really, who managed those double butt kickers? I was watching Kelli, jumping oh so high - but I could only manage single leg butt kickers with much less of a jump. Did any of you manage it???
I must admit, I was happy to see some exercises that haven't made an appearance in the newer videos...ie chair squats. I liked those- they are simple and definitely effective. Also thigh raises with weights....a nice twist.
As always, I enjoyed the strength and core sections and had no problems with them. It's the HIIT that got me. But I guess that's also what it's supposed to do.
All in all, I enjoyed this workout....it was nicely paced and had a few surprises. And I'm telling myself....12 done!!! Just one more to go!!!!! :-)
So don't forget, another party coming up on December 27:
1000 calorie workout DONE!!
Hi Blenders,
How's it going on your end? I hope all is good.
So who's tackling the 1000 calorie workout today (or yesterday or tomorrow)? It is this one:
I just finished it and wow! Perhaps it is just me but the HIIT got me!! After the first half of HIIT, I was sweating buckets already! And really, who managed those double butt kickers? I was watching Kelli, jumping oh so high - but I could only manage single leg butt kickers with much less of a jump. Did any of you manage it???
I must admit, I was happy to see some exercises that haven't made an appearance in the newer videos...ie chair squats. I liked those- they are simple and definitely effective. Also thigh raises with weights....a nice twist.
As always, I enjoyed the strength and core sections and had no problems with them. It's the HIIT that got me. But I guess that's also what it's supposed to do.
All in all, I enjoyed this workout....it was nicely paced and had a few surprises. And I'm telling myself....12 done!!! Just one more to go!!!!! :-)
So don't forget, another party coming up on December 27:
Note for the Dec 27 workout: warm up not included but there is a link in the workout description for this so just add it on to your calendar.....
That's it, folks. I'm done and done in.....looking forward to hearing how it went for the rest of you. Have a great day.