Posted in: Nutrition / Nutrition Talk

Does Caffeine make you gain fat?

I've read a lot of articles that say caffeine helps you lose weight because it boosts your metabolism, helps you get through workouts and suppresses appetite.

But I suspect, at least for me, it may mess my hormones up and actually overall hinder fat loss.

I think it's because caffeine directly raises cortisol. And cortisol encourages fat storage and suppresses the immune system.

I've tried to get off caffeine but time and time again it's the only thing that allows me to get my work done. Though I'm thinking that I may try and get off it again. I only drink tea and would miss it. And I'm not a fan of the caffeine free tea substitutes (I've tried them all). And it's always brutal getting off caffeine.

I wonder if anyone has had this problem or if you know more about caffeine, cortisol and fat loss.