My country has been hit by two hurricanes (cat 4 & 5) in the past 14 days. Honduras is one of the least contaminant countries in the world but one of the top 5 countries affected by climate change. This is one of those facts that makes your head spin. Doesn’t it?
I’m so grateful that my family and I, we all made it through safe and sound. Unfortunately, this was not the case for so many who lost love ones and had to evacuate from their homes with just the clothes on their backs.
There is so much destruction, devastation, fear, anger, heartbreak, hope, faith and solidarity; all at the same time. But most of all there’s laughter. Yes, laughter. This is how Hondurans cope. We pick up a shovel and start digging our belongings, our hearts and our dreams from the mud left by the floods while we joke and make fun of the worst of circumstances.
In between nonstop rainfall, winds, floods, power outage and fear of needing to evacuate my home I decided I would still workout. I discovered a new meaning to body-mind connection. I moved and suddenly did not feel so frustrated, helpless and fearful. I have to confess I did feel selfish for doing something for myself while others were watching a river rip out their whole world in front of their eyes. I guess in one way or another I´ll have to come to terms with that. It´s such a hard feeling to explain.
I believe that if I had not been working out with Fitness Blender for so long and exercise was not part of my life, I would be struggling even more to channel everything I´m feeling. So, THANK YOU Fitness Blender for helping me cope in a healthy and sane way.
To you reading this, THANK YOU for taking time of your day and if you are willing and able to spare a little bit more of time, please send a positive thought, prayer or whatever you want to call it our way. We'll be here to catch them, laughing, with shovels in our hands digging deep for dreams and hearts but most importantly we'll be moving forward.
Working Out During Eta & Iota Hurricanes
My country has been hit by two hurricanes (cat 4 & 5) in the past 14 days. Honduras is one of the least contaminant countries in the world but one of the top 5 countries affected by climate change. This is one of those facts that makes your head spin. Doesn’t it?
I’m so grateful that my family and I, we all made it through safe and sound. Unfortunately, this was not the case for so many who lost love ones and had to evacuate from their homes with just the clothes on their backs.
There is so much destruction, devastation, fear, anger, heartbreak, hope, faith and solidarity; all at the same time. But most of all there’s laughter. Yes, laughter. This is how Hondurans cope. We pick up a shovel and start digging our belongings, our hearts and our dreams from the mud left by the floods while we joke and make fun of the worst of circumstances.
In between nonstop rainfall, winds, floods, power outage and fear of needing to evacuate my home I decided I would still workout. I discovered a new meaning to body-mind connection. I moved and suddenly did not feel so frustrated, helpless and fearful. I have to confess I did feel selfish for doing something for myself while others were watching a river rip out their whole world in front of their eyes. I guess in one way or another I´ll have to come to terms with that. It´s such a hard feeling to explain.
I believe that if I had not been working out with Fitness Blender for so long and exercise was not part of my life, I would be struggling even more to channel everything I´m feeling. So, THANK YOU Fitness Blender for helping me cope in a healthy and sane way.
To you reading this, THANK YOU for taking time of your day and if you are willing and able to spare a little bit more of time, please send a positive thought, prayer or whatever you want to call it our way. We'll be here to catch them, laughing, with shovels in our hands digging deep for dreams and hearts but most importantly we'll be moving forward.