This may be the only day Savannah goes to school this week. The electric company is planning to shut power off at 6p.m. this evening for two days. Which means no school. We are hoping they change their mind.
Off to helping Savannah get ready. Have a great day.
HKS (Healthy, Kind, Support) Accountability Group Oct. 14
Happy Mid-week to Everyone,
Thought for the Day:
"When I am aligned to what is correct for me, my body feels good. From this feel good feeling, flows inspiration, creativity, joy, and abundance."
Big day, Savannah returns to school for the first time in 7 months. Because of this I have to wait until she is on the bus to do my workout.
Day 10 of Sweat for today:
This may be the only day Savannah goes to school this week. The electric company is planning to shut power off at 6p.m. this evening for two days. Which means no school. We are hoping they change their mind.
Off to helping Savannah get ready. Have a great day.
Peace, love and harmony