Hellow FB Family!

So, recently, I've hit a bit of a milestone and it was to do 1000 squats! I just finished my fourth time through FBFit, and during the PFT, I crushed it, I felt proud! And the scale had nothing to do with it! Of course, I did the squats with no weight, though I should probably start adding weight to future PFTs because counting the reps took a while! Obviously, I had to share this with the FB community who have always been there with inspiration! I often find myself lurking in the discussions, I don't think I've made a discussion in a month! So thank you so much for being so encouraging to each other! It's really refreshing to see all the love and supportiveness that people happily give out in this community, whereas on other social media platforms, the atmosphere is toxic and reeks of photoshop. Thank you guys so much!