Not Feeling Happy

Hello everyone!

My name is Karina. I'm just a 22 year old girl attending college in Texas.

I am currently in recovery for my eating disorder and my mental health. With all the stress dealing with stress, COVID and so many other personal things, I've been feeling ashamed of myself and my body.

I don't know why I am focusing so much on my body. I developed Body Dysmorphic Disorder and feel like everything is going out of control. I don;t weight myself, I stopped looking at my kcal intake. I eat healthy. I workout 3-5 days for at most an hour and yet I'm not happy. I am in a much better place than where I began, but I can't help but notice these small areas of my body that I completely hate.

I'm doing everything I can to battle my disorders (counseling, dietitian and physician), but yet I feel like I'm falling back into my old habits. I'm not happy with any stage in where my body is at. No matter if I'm big, fit, or small. I'm lost in how to combat these thoughts.