Just looking for suggestions on next program to choose...my daughter and I have done FBLIR1 (twice), FBLIR2, and FBStrong. Could benefit from repeating any of these but considering something new.
We are 4 months in and I have only lost 5lbs but can see positive changes in how I feel, in toning, and clothes fitting differently. I have to modify jumping moves to be low impact. Looking for a program to support further progress...continue to feel good and drop about 10-15 more pounds over time. Consider FBAbs...what do you guys think?
Choosing next program
Hi Guys,
Just looking for suggestions on next program to choose...my daughter and I have done FBLIR1 (twice), FBLIR2, and FBStrong. Could benefit from repeating any of these but considering something new.
We are 4 months in and I have only lost 5lbs but can see positive changes in how I feel, in toning, and clothes fitting differently. I have to modify jumping moves to be low impact. Looking for a program to support further progress...continue to feel good and drop about 10-15 more pounds over time. Consider FBAbs...what do you guys think?
Thanks for your input!