How are you all doing? How's the mid week treating you? 🤔
I woke up super obsessed with my work, hence the meme. Ahem, if you were to see me working I was typing furiously, much like the kid energy in the meme (no, not really 🤣) with a slouch in the spine and my face almost half entering my laptop screen, peering at it so intently. Well, voila, at noon I sent that draft in an email, looked around and be like woah 😮😮😎
I'm still on a break from workouts 😶 How's it going for you? What workouts? What other activities, if on rest like moi? 🤔 what's exciting in food? (🍰🍫 🍨🍦)
Today, wanted to include a shoutout to our choco friend Magda 😊 Hopefully she's reached her new destination and settling in well. Also to Ashley, how are you doing?
To those P Pals in the West Coast of US, please take care of yourself, and wishing things improve for you all.
P. S. Anyone and everyone is welcome in these threads, please feel free to pop by and say hello 😊
And yes, extra meme in comments for our optimistic Blenders 🤭
Perspiration Pals -September 16 😎
Heya P Pals,
How are you all doing? How's the mid week treating you? 🤔
I woke up super obsessed with my work, hence the meme. Ahem, if you were to see me working I was typing furiously, much like the kid energy in the meme (no, not really 🤣) with a slouch in the spine and my face almost half entering my laptop screen, peering at it so intently. Well, voila, at noon I sent that draft in an email, looked around and be like woah 😮😮😎
I'm still on a break from workouts 😶 How's it going for you? What workouts? What other activities, if on rest like moi? 🤔 what's exciting in food? (🍰🍫 🍨🍦)
Today, wanted to include a shoutout to our choco friend Magda 😊 Hopefully she's reached her new destination and settling in well. Also to Ashley, how are you doing?
To those P Pals in the West Coast of US, please take care of yourself, and wishing things improve for you all.
P. S. Anyone and everyone is welcome in these threads, please feel free to pop by and say hello 😊
And yes, extra meme in comments for our optimistic Blenders 🤭