Posted in: Workouts / Goal Setting

Mini challenge to myself (No-Jump Total Body Workout)

Hi everyone! I hope you're doing well.

I saw Cyril B's post the other day and I thought that I'd like to do a mini challenge to myself. I did a beta test just now to know how far I could go.


The following main workout is my custom workout. I put my timer on and it took me 12 minutes to complete one round. Finally I managed to do a second round.

10 rep for each (clean form with a slower pace if needed). AMRAP. Note to myself: (R) + (L) counts as 1 rep. This applies to exercises marked with (*)


- Beginner's Slow Burpee + Front Kicks

* Basic Squat Pulse + Pivot Reach with dumbbell (1 kg per hand)

- Walk-Downs + Shoulder Taps

- Reversed Lunge Knee Drive + Torso Twist (R) with dumbbell (One single dumbbell of 2 kg)

* Step Jack + Ventral Raise + Calf Raise (1 kg per hand)

- Reversed Lunge Knee Drive + Torso Twist (L) with dumbbell (One single dumbbell of 2 kg)

- Beginner's Slow Burpee + Plank Jack

* Side Lunge Toe Touch + Reach + Calf Raise

* Ski Squat Pulse + Side Leg Raise with dumbbell (One single dumbbell of 3 kg)

* Alternating High Knees + Torso Twist with dumbbell (One single dumbbell of 2 kg)


Fitness Blender, Redefining Strength, Heather Robertson


Cool-Down & Stretch:

I'm sharing my custom workout with you and I wish to know whether it's well rounded (or not). Your comments and inputs would be much appreciated. I'm thinking of doing this 3 days per week (with 1 day off in-between) + my Yin Yoga routine (long and deep stretch on a separate day).

Anyone would like to join me?

Have a good day and stay safe!
