Last night's low motivation club

I took Kelli's advice about having a bad dance party last night.

Had a pretty emo day at work and was generally feeling down, lethargic, and kinda heavy. When I got home, I had very, very little motivation to get my #workoutcomplete. I even put on my workout clothes but was still not feeling it.

I looked to my favorite dance fitness YouTube channel, 305 Fitness, and I saw they have some 8 minute dance workouts. 8 minutes is nothing! So I got up and did the 8 minute hip hop workout. I felt so good and truly like my energy was changing for the better. So then I did a 15 minute hip hop workout, and then an 8 minute angry grrrrrl dance workout...and then a 5 minute cool down and 10 minute meditation.

I cannot tell you how much better I felt after all of this. I could have chosen to sit in my sadness, and while this workout didn't make me feel extremely happy or blissed out or whatever, I felt a lot better getting it in. Sometimes you just have to dance the negativity away :)

And sometimes, like tonight, you gotta lift heavy weights!! Back to FB this evening!