Who the hell made this lineup???? 😳🥵 No, nope. No fingerpointing, please. 😇😅
So, I did kickboxing routine, but a bit toned down, which is understandable after yesterday. 😉 Then I decided to the 'dirty' one as I wasn't sure I'll have energy left otherwise. Oh, boy. Did that hurt! 😳 I didn't do pushups, I used plank-ups as a sub. I mean, I feel dirty alright! I was laying down with my legs on the wall to ease up my heart. Then I took quick shower. 🙄 (I know, I should've done cool down first.) I was afraid of possible stiffness and/or injury, so I quickly got my heartbeat up and did the kettlebell routine, which I loved 😍, and finally did my cool down. 🥵
Wake Up Your Inner Be(a)st! Day 3
Hello, Blendbeasts! 😈😎
Everyone is more than welcome to join at any time. https://www.fitnessblender.com/community/discussion/21343/new-community-challenge-wake-up-your-inner-be-a-st
For the ones who are already my glutton-for-punishment-buddies (aka beasties), 😅 here's what today's schedule looks like:
WU 5 ': https://www.fitnessblender.com/videos/total-body-warm-up-cardio-5-minute-warm-up-workout
WO 11': https://www.fitnessblender.com/videos/kickboxing-hiit-quick-cardio-kickboxing-workout
WO 15': https://www.fitnessblender.com/videos/15-minute-kettlebell-workout-video-1x10-kettlebell-training
EC 15': https://www.fitnessblender.com/videos/the-dirty-300-challenge-brutal-300-rep-workout-to-burn-fat-and-build-endurance
CD 12': https://www.fitnessblender.com/videos/cool-down-and-full-body-stretch
Who the hell made this lineup???? 😳🥵 No, nope. No fingerpointing, please. 😇😅
So, I did kickboxing routine, but a bit toned down, which is understandable after yesterday. 😉 Then I decided to the 'dirty' one as I wasn't sure I'll have energy left otherwise. Oh, boy. Did that hurt! 😳 I didn't do pushups, I used plank-ups as a sub. I mean, I feel dirty alright! I was laying down with my legs on the wall to ease up my heart. Then I took quick shower. 🙄 (I know, I should've done cool down first.) I was afraid of possible stiffness and/or injury, so I quickly got my heartbeat up and did the kettlebell routine, which I loved 😍, and finally did my cool down. 🥵
Consider my beast awaken! I AM HUNGRY!!!! 😅
How are you? Beast mode on? 😉