41 weeks and 2 days pregnant...and yesterday's workout!

Hello everyone!

Nope, no baby. Still happy in there!

Took it a little easier last week and then got fed up taking it easy 😂 so yesterday did Kelli's 12min step video alongside a warm up and 10min upper body workout (and freestyle cooldown). Felt amazing!! I think I'm living proof that, as long as you're healthy and there aren't medical reasons to stop, pregnant women can workout and do hiit and strength and jumping as much as they want (whilst listening to their body and modifying, of course) and the baby ain't coming out any sooner!

I'm also acutely aware that I won't be allowed to do any workouts after the birth, so trying to enjoy myself now! Going to do the same step workout today, but add a different video to it.

Hoping this baby comes before Saturday, or they'll need to start a gentle forcible eviction 😆 either way, I'm so so excited to meet her!!! Just gonna keep taking care of us in the meantime 🥰

Hugs from the UK!
