HKS (Healthy, Kind, Support) Accountibility Group August 3rd

Hello Everyone!

Happy Monday! I hope whether your day is just starting, it's in the middle of your day or your day is ending you're having a good one. My day has just started as it's 7:53am as I'm typing this post. What time is it where you are? Something I've come to notice and I'm not sure of where this came from but for some weird reason a lot of people just hate Mondays. I never understood why really. Are Mondays really all that bad? I don't think so. I feel like it all comes down to your mindset. If you believe your day will suck then yeah it will. If you make it a point to have a good day then you will. As a matter of fact they say your mood for Monday sets your mood for the week (even though the week starts on Sunday although I think that depends on where you live..I think?...) which leads us to today's quote:

"Your Monday morning thoughts sets your tone for the whole week. See yourself getting stronger, and living a fulfilling, happier and healthier life." - Germany Kent.

So? What mood would you like to "start" the week with? A positive one I hope. I know there are things that can happen that will try to ruin your day but do your best to not let them. Stay positive and do your best to smile. Also, help someone else smile as well if you can.

How are those workouts or rest days looking today? Anything intense going on? Anyone taking it easy? How about in between? For me I'm taking a rest day. My entire body was worked yesterday so I'm going to relax and stretch today. My mom even suggested every morning (if my joints allow me to) to go for a little walk around the block with my little sister so maybe that can help ease my joints a bit. I hope so. Going for a walk sounds nice actually. Anyone else walking today? It's always nice to stop and take a lot at nature isn't it?

Well that's it for me. I hope you all have/had a great day. 😊

P.S ANYONE is welcome to join in the thread and leave comments. No need to be afraid to join in the conversation and even comment on other comments. Express yourself and have a good ol' time. This is an extremely friendly and motivational community so join in if you'd like. 😁