Well, I'm sore all over the body. But I like it. 😅 Today I did barre workout and newly released pilates burnout. I feel that already. 😳🔥 Maybe two weeks of pulsing wasn't that good idea after all. 😅 Nah, we're just fine. 😉
I think I could start taking recipes from Meal Plan as I cannot think of anything new to cook. It's the summer heat, it kills my creativity. 🙄
Perspiration Pals - July 29.
What's up, P Pals? 😉
Well, I'm sore all over the body. But I like it. 😅 Today I did barre workout and newly released pilates burnout. I feel that already. 😳🔥 Maybe two weeks of pulsing wasn't that good idea after all. 😅 Nah, we're just fine. 😉
I think I could start taking recipes from Meal Plan as I cannot think of anything new to cook. It's the summer heat, it kills my creativity. 🙄
How does your midweek look like? Do tell. 🤗