Since the 'Rona I have started to work out more regularly with Kelli and Daniel and I have purchased two programs: Low Impact and Bodyweight. I have done Low Impact but with big gaps of several days in there. After having finished it (YAY), I jumped right into Bodyweight. And that didn't go so well, lol. It is too hard for me. Now I am repeating Low Impact 1 and wanted to ask you guys if Low Impact Round 2 is of a similar intensity. If so, I will purchase it to give myself a bit of a change up. I just don't want to purchase another program that is still to hard for me.
FB Low Impact 2
Hey everyone!
Since the 'Rona I have started to work out more regularly with Kelli and Daniel and I have purchased two programs: Low Impact and Bodyweight. I have done Low Impact but with big gaps of several days in there. After having finished it (YAY), I jumped right into Bodyweight. And that didn't go so well, lol. It is too hard for me. Now I am repeating Low Impact 1 and wanted to ask you guys if Low Impact Round 2 is of a similar intensity. If so, I will purchase it to give myself a bit of a change up. I just don't want to purchase another program that is still to hard for me.
Thanks a lot :)