So here in London we are in the midst of a heatwave. It's currently 33 C.
Now I know for some blenders that's nothing but for us this is really hot (well for me anyway not a fan unless I am in an outdoor pool and they are all shut!)
I slept badly as it was so hot and woke up late. I had a 43 min pretty brutal KB and UBS workout planned. It's one I love but it is tough and I had missed the cooler morning hours. The sneaky voice kicked in 'well if you don't do that you have messed up so you may as well skip it'. But I managed to fight back! Ended up doing this undiscovered gem;
It is tough but to say it flies by is an understatement. My legs were like lead by the end and it even has a warm up! My UB was a bit jealous so I tagged on this;
Another new one for me and straight to favourites. I made a point of lifting really heavy so much so that I was on rep 6 or 7 when Daniel was on 8 or 9. Which meant I had no breaks at all not a second to spare. It was a second bout of cardio!
So I am pretty pleased I managed to get something done.
On to breakfast which posed another type of challenge. My online groceries are coming tonight and I always run the fridge down as I hate waste, makes me mad! So pickings were a little slim. I had 1 egg, a tomato some mushrooms. OK so I'm thinking omelette with one egg but might not take me that far though. Then I remembered I had some leftover puy lentils which I had cooked in stock for an earlier meal, would that work? I have to report it was amazing! I got an extra protein shot and some healthy carbs to boot!
Heatwave HIIT and a lentil omelette!
Hello FB family! How are you doing today?
So here in London we are in the midst of a heatwave. It's currently 33 C.
Now I know for some blenders that's nothing but for us this is really hot (well for me anyway not a fan unless I am in an outdoor pool and they are all shut!)
I slept badly as it was so hot and woke up late. I had a 43 min pretty brutal KB and UBS workout planned. It's one I love but it is tough and I had missed the cooler morning hours. The sneaky voice kicked in 'well if you don't do that you have messed up so you may as well skip it'. But I managed to fight back! Ended up doing this undiscovered gem;
It is tough but to say it flies by is an understatement. My legs were like lead by the end and it even has a warm up! My UB was a bit jealous so I tagged on this;
Another new one for me and straight to favourites. I made a point of lifting really heavy so much so that I was on rep 6 or 7 when Daniel was on 8 or 9. Which meant I had no breaks at all not a second to spare. It was a second bout of cardio!
So I am pretty pleased I managed to get something done.
On to breakfast which posed another type of challenge. My online groceries are coming tonight and I always run the fridge down as I hate waste, makes me mad! So pickings were a little slim. I had 1 egg, a tomato some mushrooms. OK so I'm thinking omelette with one egg but might not take me that far though. Then I remembered I had some leftover puy lentils which I had cooked in stock for an earlier meal, would that work? I have to report it was amazing! I got an extra protein shot and some healthy carbs to boot!
Necessity really is the mother of invention.