Posted in: Workouts / Goal Setting

Being hard on myself - New Goals & FB Booty R2

Hey guys, i've been off working out for ~10 days and stopped counting calories for 5 days now, after 3+ months of detailed counting. I got overwhelmed with both exercise and diet. It gets me really down when i skip an exercise from the 5-day workout schedule and i feel like i failed. It kind of messes up with everything since i feel i need to punish myself with eating less the days i don't workout. I end up eating even more (than i would even if i did workout).

In theory i am happy with working out 3 times per week, but i think the calendar full of workouts and me not doing them all gets me down, regardless.

I just bought FB Booty with the ambition to commit to the 3 days and if i feel working out on a free day i will just add a workout to it with no pressure since it was supposed to be a free day. I think it will cheer me up if i pull off more exercises than 3, and not get me down if i don't, since my plan was to finish the 3-day program.

I know in the end it's all mind games, but i hope i will win this round.

Me VS my brain.

I will try to not count calories during this plan, i will just try to make the best choices day to day... I also contacted a dietitian (happens to be a cousin) to help me with diet plans. I find myself giving in, into things i prepare for my boyfriend, i hope she will help us set up a plan that works for both of us, as it would help a lot both with time/preparations and with me messing up my planned meals.

Cheers all, keep up the good work :)