I have done FB for Busy People Round 4, Sweat Round 2, FB Bodyweight Round 2, and am now on my last week of Abs round 2. I have liked the first three the most and feel I have seen the most from them . Thus far, i really like Sweat and Busy people although I am so lazy to lift weights :) but trying!
I am deciding about doing the Bored Easily program next, has anyone done this and what are your thoughts on it?
What Next?
Hi All!
I have done FB for Busy People Round 4, Sweat Round 2, FB Bodyweight Round 2, and am now on my last week of Abs round 2. I have liked the first three the most and feel I have seen the most from them . Thus far, i really like Sweat and Busy people although I am so lazy to lift weights :) but trying!
I am deciding about doing the Bored Easily program next, has anyone done this and what are your thoughts on it?