Daily Check-in: Thursday, June 11th

A hi-yah(!) to you there, FB Fam. Manifesting a strong greeting here, martial arts style. Or just hello. I'm never simple. It's Friday Eve and that means nothing other than it's the day before Friday, aka Thursday. I'm back to flowers now, bringing patches of Cutleaf Evening Primroses. These guys bloom at night and close up around the early hours of the morning. I've shared a yellow one before, so here is a peachy colored close up and a crowd of them painting the background.

So how is it going for you so far? From the workouts to the food and I guess that important other stuff we do in between, let's read all about whatever you want to talk about!

Maybe before we get to any of that I should bring up ghosting. I only got one more name before the rotation starts over and that name would be Shabnam! I know its only been a few weeks since your last turn, Shabnam, so let me know if that's okay. And this goes right in to asking who would like to try ghosting (guest hosting) on the weekend. Other than Coby and Lea, I don't have any other regulars in the ghost pool! So a new or a return ghost, I'd love to see you in this spot! If you have any interest, say so and I'll make it so!

Now back to regular check-in pantry staples, what workouts were we not talking about? It's a core and cardio day on the calendar for me and my FB Sweat pals. This week has been sweaty and challenging so far. And so much cardio! I'm convinced it is preparing us for the zombie apocalypse. If you enjoy cardio/HIIT, Sweat has you covered. So I know what myself and few of my FB friends are doing, but what different workouts are you up to?

And what food is going down today? I've been revolving around chicken breast, beans and veggies, so I guess dinner will feature more of that variation. It's simple and I've had cooking block all week, so I guess I need to start getting some variety. Ah, but whatever is on the plate, let it fill us up and give us that cruising energy we need. Bonus for tasting good!

Because if there are good workouts and good food, it has to equal a good day right? Or at least help us handle all the things we have to always do in between. So let's get to being important and show up for the day's duties!