Welcome here to every kind of Blender to the check-in! Make yourself at home in this roomy corner of the internet. You could start off with talking about how your weekend weekend went. It was another busy one from me, but it looked pretty full and exciting here in the world of FB; new updates to Plus, new releases of workouts out and to come (free and Plus) and challenges to do both from Plus and community members. Have fun and good luck with the challenge(s) you guys! Sadly, I won't be joining any this time around, but the cheer is strong! So clearly, there's a whole lotta fun, new, and neat stuff going around, so what are you tackling? Whatever the options I hope you enjoy the sweat out of it, and if you're not, then switch it up! Motion and movement is all about making it work for you through modifications.. As for myself and a few others (Kimberlee, Juliska, Adrienne, and if I mssed anyone or if you are joining, let me know) are starting FB Sweat today! Woo! I'm very excited as, program wise, I've only done Abs2. So we are going to Sweat all through June, pysically and literally because it's getting hecka summer hot over here.
..So, what was I not saying? Oh yeah, check out some rando purple flowers. To give it a proper name, let's call it Sweetscent Camphorweed for its leaves have a pretty strong scent when crushed. Not sure if sweet fits. And I don't exactly know what camphor smells like, but since we can't smell the screens, let's appreciate the rosy flat clusters of flowers.
And what do we want to eat? It's probably not the same as what are we eating or my answer would involve satisfying some cake cravings. Which I might do anyway😏 ..Monday almost demands it ..On a more not really serious note, I think I want to try my hand at more meatless burgers. Maybe the spinach ones from FB: https://www.fitnessblender.com/articles/spinach-burgers-recipe-lean-green-vegetarian-burger-recipe ..Think I will also cook some chicken quarters, but but I don't know. The day is young over here and everything is subject to change.
What's not changing though, is the fact it's Monday and we've got all the stuff and things to do and be amazing while doing so. Your awesomeness is just the fact of the week, friends. Don't argue with me on this 😉 ..It's also so nice to come here and be a part of such a place full of support and much kindness. If only everyone could be more like it is here, we would all be better off. Kindness is the only thing that needs to be contagious. Okay, now back to the day!
Daily Check-in: Monday, June 1st
Welcome here to every kind of Blender to the check-in! Make yourself at home in this roomy corner of the internet. You could start off with talking about how your weekend weekend went. It was another busy one from me, but it looked pretty full and exciting here in the world of FB; new updates to Plus, new releases of workouts out and to come (free and Plus) and challenges to do both from Plus and community members. Have fun and good luck with the challenge(s) you guys! Sadly, I won't be joining any this time around, but the cheer is strong! So clearly, there's a whole lotta fun, new, and neat stuff going around, so what are you tackling? Whatever the options I hope you enjoy the sweat out of it, and if you're not, then switch it up! Motion and movement is all about making it work for you through modifications.. As for myself and a few others (Kimberlee, Juliska, Adrienne, and if I mssed anyone or if you are joining, let me know) are starting FB Sweat today! Woo! I'm very excited as, program wise, I've only done Abs2. So we are going to Sweat all through June, pysically and literally because it's getting hecka summer hot over here.
..So, what was I not saying? Oh yeah, check out some rando purple flowers. To give it a proper name, let's call it Sweetscent Camphorweed for its leaves have a pretty strong scent when crushed. Not sure if sweet fits. And I don't exactly know what camphor smells like, but since we can't smell the screens, let's appreciate the rosy flat clusters of flowers.
And what do we want to eat? It's probably not the same as what are we eating or my answer would involve satisfying some cake cravings. Which I might do anyway😏 ..Monday almost demands it ..On a more not really serious note, I think I want to try my hand at more meatless burgers. Maybe the spinach ones from FB: https://www.fitnessblender.com/articles/spinach-burgers-recipe-lean-green-vegetarian-burger-recipe ..Think I will also cook some chicken quarters, but but I don't know. The day is young over here and everything is subject to change.
What's not changing though, is the fact it's Monday and we've got all the stuff and things to do and be amazing while doing so. Your awesomeness is just the fact of the week, friends. Don't argue with me on this 😉 ..It's also so nice to come here and be a part of such a place full of support and much kindness. If only everyone could be more like it is here, we would all be better off. Kindness is the only thing that needs to be contagious. Okay, now back to the day!