Posted in: Workouts / Workout Programs


Hi All,

Relatively new to FB. I have been picking my own weekly workouts by selecting a mixture of HIIT/Cardio, upper body and lower body "free" 4-5 difficulty programs of usually 35 mins-45mins. I like to pick ones that have a warmup and cool down included as well. My question is about the paid programs. I see some are on sale at the moment, ABS, Bored Easily and Fit and I'm wondering other than the fact these programs are automatically outlined for your each day without you having to do that, what's the benefit of the program? Is it all still the free workouts that are 35 plus mins in duration or do they piece together shorter videos too to make them longer? The programs say 3-5 difficulty. I find 3 a bit easily, What percentage would you say are 4 or 5 instead? Thanks very much for your help!
