One-day-rest-wonder allowed me to go through this routine in real-time without extra breaks! 😁 Only one modification, instead of star jumps, I did jump squats. Oh, I'll feel this tomorrow.
Later this evening, I'll do Reach. I should start to pay more attention to my meals. Hubby is taking care of me when home, but at work, I'm no good. 🙄
Oh, I survived without i.v. fluids. However, I did had to drink rehydration mix to recover. Today I'm paying more attention to 'watering' myself properly.💧
Abs 2 - Buddies Edition
OK, my buddies. Day 4 is done and buried! 😅
One-day-rest-wonder allowed me to go through this routine in real-time without extra breaks! 😁 Only one modification, instead of star jumps, I did jump squats. Oh, I'll feel this tomorrow.
Later this evening, I'll do Reach. I should start to pay more attention to my meals. Hubby is taking care of me when home, but at work, I'm no good. 🙄
Oh, I survived without i.v. fluids. However, I did had to drink rehydration mix to recover. Today I'm paying more attention to 'watering' myself properly.💧
How did you found your workout today? 🤗