Regardless of what your goals may be regarding abs work, it's incredibly important that you develop well-rounded strength within your core.
If you focus on lots and lots of repetitions of exercises that only target the abs, it can lead to imbalanced strength that may lead to postural issues, as well as an increased likelihood of avoidable injuries.
Which is exactly why this workout is so varied and engages all of the complimentary muscles of your torso.
Brutal Abs Workout - Abs, Obliques and Lower Back Workout
All abs workouts are not created equally, and this one tackles the core from every angle - front, sides, and back.
Brutal Abs Workout - Abs, Obliques and Lower Back Workout
Regardless of what your goals may be regarding abs work, it's incredibly important that you develop well-rounded strength within your core.
If you focus on lots and lots of repetitions of exercises that only target the abs, it can lead to imbalanced strength that may lead to postural issues, as well as an increased likelihood of avoidable injuries.
Which is exactly why this workout is so varied and engages all of the complimentary muscles of your torso.