So much for starting May off on the right foot. I cannot get motivated to do a workout. I've rescheduled videos everyday so far, so I've taken them off my calendar completely.
Anyone else in a "funk" like this? Its stressing me out that I have to keep moving my workouts but I cannot drag myself to the basement room do the workouts either.
I did have a goal of 3 total body workouts and 2 walks a week and I just cannot do it.
This post sounds so whiney. Blah.
I'm going to attempt a walk after dinner tonight and maybe that will help.
Maybe now is not the time for me to be trying to work on my fitness? It usually isn't this much of a battle. And it has been a BATTLE. Tooth and nail to get all my checkmarks in April.
Maybe I just don't have a plan and workout if I feel like it? Not worry about losing weight? Just try to eat healthy to maintain my current weight?
Wow. Today is not a good day.
So much for starting May off on the right foot. I cannot get motivated to do a workout. I've rescheduled videos everyday so far, so I've taken them off my calendar completely.
Anyone else in a "funk" like this? Its stressing me out that I have to keep moving my workouts but I cannot drag myself to the basement room do the workouts either.
I did have a goal of 3 total body workouts and 2 walks a week and I just cannot do it.
This post sounds so whiney. Blah.
I'm going to attempt a walk after dinner tonight and maybe that will help.
Maybe now is not the time for me to be trying to work on my fitness? It usually isn't this much of a battle. And it has been a BATTLE. Tooth and nail to get all my checkmarks in April.
Maybe I just don't have a plan and workout if I feel like it? Not worry about losing weight? Just try to eat healthy to maintain my current weight?