Does this qualify as a "workout"? Oh well, semantics. It _does_ say workout in the title though, so I checked my "Workout Complete" for the day!
I did this close to midnight, at the very end of my day. It felt soo, so good. I did lower body workout for the first time in weeks 2 days ago, and even though I made it super low impact (even did some of the lunges without weights), the back of my thighs are still slightly sore, and this workout got rid of the soreness.
During the day I also did 5 minutes of a non-FB workout from the Body Project channel on Youtube, super low-impact, just to get rid of sugar crash after lunch.
Today's workout is slightly different from the past few days, and so is the music. Instead of conventional music artists (bands or solo artists), I listened to this "Calming Music Healing" instrumental
May 4 (Not-Much-of-a-)Workout
I did not go with my Low Impact R2 program today 😬 and instead did "Chill Out! Stretching, Pilates, Yoga Workout for Flexibility and Calm"
Does this qualify as a "workout"? Oh well, semantics. It _does_ say workout in the title though, so I checked my "Workout Complete" for the day!
I did this close to midnight, at the very end of my day. It felt soo, so good. I did lower body workout for the first time in weeks 2 days ago, and even though I made it super low impact (even did some of the lunges without weights), the back of my thighs are still slightly sore, and this workout got rid of the soreness.
During the day I also did 5 minutes of a non-FB workout from the Body Project channel on Youtube, super low-impact, just to get rid of sugar crash after lunch.
Today's workout is slightly different from the past few days, and so is the music. Instead of conventional music artists (bands or solo artists), I listened to this "Calming Music Healing" instrumental
Stay safe and healthy everyone!