Daily Check-in: Fitness Friday, May 1st

Hello May, hello You, hello Friday! How goes it for my FB Fam this morning/afternoon/evening for you? No matter the time, I'm glad you are here tackling those workouts, food and goals at your own pace.

So let's talk about each of those, giving the subjects their own paragraphs of course. How are we working out today? Sore or not sore? My upper body is ready enough to handle some strength training and by doing so also marking the end of the April + Challenge. So I will be getting to that shortly, but what does your #workoutcomplete look like for today? Never forget we need #restcompletes as well!

Now to the tasty, good for you and energizing stuff. Food! Yes, how are we going about that for today? Who or what is invited to dinner? Just remember that if it's a guest we can't consume, put a comma before the guest in question. Let's eat, Grandma! Let's eat Grandma! (Sorry, to the grandmas bearing the brunt of this example) ..Eh, this all makes proper english language sense unless you are (and I seriously doubt you are) a cannibal. Comma sense, people.

Nonsense is truly what this all is and what I'm professionally full of, so never mind it as we go on to a Fitness Friday. As we enter a new month, quite simply, do you have any goals for the new month? Other than trying new workouts and the May challenge, I'm feeling I need an easier workout month. So I have a loose goal of taking it easy and focusing on better nutrition. Simple changes, and nothing too ambitious. But what about you? Short term goals this month, or the continuation of working on a longer term goal? Small goals, big goals, or no goals? Make this Fitness Friday question work for you!

Shall I finally address the picture? You've been not wondering I'm sure.. This is kinda of a cool tree right here; a Hophorn Beam tree. The fruit/seed is enclosed in a papery kinda capsule that looks similar to hops which are used in beer making. These that belong to the tree are only similar to how hops look. It's another cool thing from nature, to look up from under this tree at this time of year and see these pinky finger sized, paper ornament hop looking things hanging down. But all this hop talk reminds me that it's about time to make beer! I might just do that this weekend.

A bit of a read today, but thanks for sticking with me. And seeming as I didn't hear from Korse for ghosting, and Magda has graciously offered, well then that settles who will be ghosting! Thanks, Magda for stepping up last minute! It's yours for the weekend!

Alright, all the goodbyes and see you laters to you, FB Fam. I hope you have a great start to a new month and a wonderful weekend ahead! And as always, take care!