Got Goals?

Hey FbFam 💙 Hope you guys are feeling empowered and proud! Today's motivation comes with a little of me and how I came to set my "Goals".

I decided long ago that my goals needed to extend outside my fitness level and get a little more personal. I would hit my fitness goals pretty quickly and was left trying to figure out what's next to stay motivated. I had to find a way to stay motivated, right? I mean, I don't wake up EVERYDAY ready to jump, sweat, push, pull. If you do, you need to send that motivation on over here.

I changed "goals" to "challenges". I got a pen and paper, wrote down exercise moves I loved and ways I could challenge them. More weight, more reps, faster, slower, longer.

Then I wrote down moves I hated. Yes! Jumping Jacks!! Jump Squats!! Swimmers! Guys, I could go on and on with this list. I wrote these down because when they would come up, I'd get that blah feeling during my workout and that my friends can really ruin and strong push. I wrote discipline beside these. That I didn't need to challenge this, I needed to buck up. I needed to own them. And they became mine.

Goals!! This became more about me and what I wanted out of each day. I wanted to be healthy of course but what kept me smiling? While looking for fitness inspiration I found the lovely list you read above. I only added one thing to that list that is now permanent in my brain. Get involved. Volunteering your time is one super awesome way to feel accomplished. I Volunteers with both Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts. Helping grow future leaders of our communities. Its one of the greatest joys I've experienced in life.

Back to the list. I wanted to touch in on Stay Strong. This is not fitness related. I need this reminder to weed out the negative people in my life. Its funny it took me nearly 35 years to find this skill but since I've surrounded myself with people who support me, my shoulders stand taller.

I hope each of you take the time to think about how your approaching your mindset. Are you setting realistist goals and challanges? Care for your body and give it time.

Stay Strong.

Stay Disciplined