difference between FB meal plan and ebook meal plan
I was wondering if there was a significant difference between the FB meal plan you can add to the calendar and the downloadable ebook (omnivore). Are the meals significantly different? Does one have more variety than another? Do meals repeat or are leftovers accounted for? I am looking for a simple plan- the fewer ingredients I have to buy the better. Sometimes it is hard to buy things for one person when you are making a ton of different meals and not waste food. Was wondering if anyone had purchased both and could provide their input.
difference between FB meal plan and ebook meal plan
I was wondering if there was a significant difference between the FB meal plan you can add to the calendar and the downloadable ebook (omnivore). Are the meals significantly different? Does one have more variety than another? Do meals repeat or are leftovers accounted for? I am looking for a simple plan- the fewer ingredients I have to buy the better. Sometimes it is hard to buy things for one person when you are making a ton of different meals and not waste food. Was wondering if anyone had purchased both and could provide their input.