I completed my workout for today but I didn't do the extra credit. Because it was a 24 min Abs workout with Kellie and Daniel and I just had a Ab workout the other day, so I did not want to do another Ab workout. This morning after I had my breakfast I cleaned the Alpaca pen, and worked on my Health and just worked on Chapter 7 for the rest of the morning. This afternoon I went down to play for I think an hour and 30 mins. then after that I came up and took a shower, worked on my Art 1, did the piano, and I was going to finish working on my Art 1 project but my mom said not to work on it anymore. So other than that I have had pretty busy day's this week so far, and even though it is a lot of work I mange to get a lot of work done for all my classes. It was cloudy at first this morning and throughout the rest of the day it was nice and sunny, and I thought that it was not going to be a sunny day. But sometimes the weather changes and before you know it the weather is different than, what is was actually suppose to be for today in the weather forecast.
FB Sweat - Day 11 - Cardio & Core
I completed my workout for today but I didn't do the extra credit. Because it was a 24 min Abs workout with Kellie and Daniel and I just had a Ab workout the other day, so I did not want to do another Ab workout. This morning after I had my breakfast I cleaned the Alpaca pen, and worked on my Health and just worked on Chapter 7 for the rest of the morning. This afternoon I went down to play for I think an hour and 30 mins. then after that I came up and took a shower, worked on my Art 1, did the piano, and I was going to finish working on my Art 1 project but my mom said not to work on it anymore. So other than that I have had pretty busy day's this week so far, and even though it is a lot of work I mange to get a lot of work done for all my classes. It was cloudy at first this morning and throughout the rest of the day it was nice and sunny, and I thought that it was not going to be a sunny day. But sometimes the weather changes and before you know it the weather is different than, what is was actually suppose to be for today in the weather forecast.